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Local Salad, Madras Curry Couscous



Perfectly cooked couscous with chickpeas, diced red peppers, green onions, apple and candied orange peel in a Madras Curry dressing.


Ingredients: Pearl couscous (durum wheat semolina), chickpeas, apple, vinaigrette (canola oil, orange juice concentrate, water, honey, madras curry powder, garlic, lemon juice concentrate, salt), dried cranberries (cranberries, sugar, sunflower oil), celery, dressing (canola oil, water, egg yolk, vinegar, lemon juice concentrate, sugar, salt, xanthan gum, black pepper, potassium sorbate, lactic acid, pepper oleoresin, paprika oleoresin), bell pepper, green onion, salt, cilantro, sugar, citric acid, red onion, potassium sorbate. Contains: Eggs, Wheat